A new paint



This poem sings different

I compose its rythms

and nonsense feelings,

but are these lyrics mine?


Catastrophic blues!

Were born in a gray paint,

my silver rose is cryin’

a midnight rain

when your man´s body she´s missin’


Will you come back?

Tomorrow and today?

Will you still want to be into me?

Laughin’ again,

on your white chest

and my golden thighs?

In our snow on the beach?


Even the flickering light

of a candle can break

this marvelous peace…


My black dress lies

between the snow and the sea…


But the cruel gray,

so cruel gray,

the catastrophe paint

wishes burnin’ out

my peace,

the snow on the beach,

the seventh wonder,

you & me…


I don´t know how to fight,

when the gray predator

throws me rocks of

painful memories,

the same and old lacerating condemnation,

the same and old punishment that every

suicide knows,

he wants break out this new paint,

this peace,

you & me…


This catastrophe,

this gray paint,

so cruel gray,

with her burned trees,

cliffs and withered flowers,

wishes to kill my snow on the beach!


And your silence,

like whispers of waves,

like this snow on the beach,

snuggle my poems after a war.


I’m afraid to curse it,

my tears bounce,

openin’ the paradise,

the gray predator’s chasin’ me

and wake up an earthquake!


Are you still here?

Yes, you are…

Why my dear friend?

Why?  Why? why?


I lost a poem in Saturn,

would you understand on some moon

the marvelous you are after a death’s poet?

My poet?

A Marvelous with the shadows of your sun,

I don´t want to loose you too,

in a aurora boreal blue,


Your goodness and compassion

are a poetry that I don’t know

how to acclaim,

you’re different song…


‘Cause this gray ,

so cruel gray

couldn’t imagine

my little happiness,

my hour, my year,

my little infinite of peace…


Tell me,

tell me that we’ll be just fine,

it isn’t late,

to keep this new paint,

my favorite paint,

this snow on the beach,

this new paint,

this marvelous paint,

this snow on the beach…


Poema de: Krizia Fabiola Tovar Hernández 


 SemblanzaKrizia Fabiola Tovar Hernández nació en el Estado de México, en 1996. Algunos de sus escritos aparecieron en las revistas Reflexiones Alternas , Poetómanos, Prosa Nostra mx, revista enpoli, Teresa MAGAZINE, revista literaria pluma, pretextos literarios,  revista hispanoamericana de literatura, revista literaria monolito, Más literatura, clan Kutral, vertedero cultural, circulo literario de mujeres, perro negro de la calle, el morador del umbral,  La página escrita, La liebre de fuego, y El templo de las mil puertas, entre otras.  Estudió la licenciatura en Ciencias Humanas en el Centro Universitario de Integración Humanística.








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